jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Hi again!!

Today I have a very important job interview... so lets see what happens!
To relax my brain I was checking stuff that I have done here in the UK and here is a documentary film about Mr. Shankly. The feature was made in 2011. I was starting to do my own filming and editing stuff... It was a nightmare because I did it almost by myself, with a great help from Alicia too, of course.
The band is amazing, I would like to invite you to check their website, where I have made some podcast of them: www.mrshankly.com.
The video has its mistakes and its problems, but I really enjoyed making it and I really made a friendship with them. If you haven´t watched it, please, have a look, it´s only 26 minutes... The ending of the film deserves it!!!

It also has Spanish subtitles

See you soon!

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013



Well, I will try to write in English for first time in this blog. I normally write in Spanish bacuse I can express myself much better in my mother tonge, but if I want to find and do a professional job in this country that is embracing me... I will have to start writing articles in the Shakespeare´s language (by the way yesterday I was visiting Stratford Upon Avon, Shakespeare birthplace with my family).
I will speak (just a little bit) about Spain and the current situation... Yesterday I read in a Spanish newspaper that a policeman stabbed a retired banker... This banker sold him what in Spain is called the PREFERENTES, which are a kind of investments in a bank (Novacaixa Galicia) which didn´t work thanks to bakers wrong investments strategies. Nobody will have any profit from them and plenty of people have lost their savings due to this investment.
Many bankers were forced to recommend this investment option even knowing that were not convenient for anyone... Well this is the result... This guy invested 300.000 euros (a life savings on it) and had no money back yet... the promises were broken and so was him... depressions, sickness and then madness which took him to try to kill a man... he is going to jail and his life is ruined... but the money that bank owes him is going to be safe for the bank... Oh fuck! the bank wins again!!
Obviously I´m not with this guy... he tried to kill a man, but the hopessness can take anyone to this extreme point...
Government, monarchy, bankers, Europe, Germany... nobody is doing anything to sort this out... Well actually, monarchy and govermenty "apparently" are trying to take as much money as they can before the ship sinks...
Nobody is going to save this country, just itself!!!

Next one is going to be more optimistic... I hope so!

Actividad en Birmingham

Hi que tal??

Llevo mucho tiempo sin escribir... no es por vaguería, es por pura falta de tiempo y a veces de inspiración... Entre estar ordenando la casa nueva, visitas (de mis kids, que les mando un abrazo) y luego del tirón mi madre, mi tía y mi prima, que todavía están y me va a dar mucha pena que se marchen mañana, no he tenido tiempo de hacer mucho...
De todas formas este fin de semana que ha pasado de puente ha sido primaveral y además en Birmingham hubo mucha fiesta debido al fin de semana del PRIDE, como así llaman a lo que sería el fin de semana del orgullo Gay en España, la verdad es que un par de veces en mi estancia en Birmingham me he pasado para verlo y pasarlo bien con las carrozas y el desfile, además de actuaciones y demás... este año no ha sido posible porque han puesto precio a la entrada a los recintos... 10 libras por un día y 15 por dos... y además, al final del primer día ya solo podías comprar entradas para los dos días... hay que ser!
Todos los años ha sido gratis y este tipo de eventos suelen dar luz y color a esta ciudad tan gris, además el fin de semana ha acompañado, pero poner precio!! y tan alto!
Lanzo mi máximo apoyo a todo este tipo de iniciativas, me gustan, pero ¿no se pueden hacer cosas gratis por una vez?
Bueno, en realidad este post es para anunciar que como estuve en el desfile por la ciudad (lo único que era gratis), además acompañado de mi familia, grabé algunas de las carrozas y en cuanto tenga un minuto las pondré por aquí.
Supongo que todo el que fue al resto de actividades lo pasaría bien...