Yesterday (Sunday June 15th) I woke up at 5am, very nervous and very excited. Another screening in Birmingham!!!
Universal Heritage, put me on more pressure, because the exigence was much higher. Either Jesus Navas and Ivan Gomez have been working very hard on this film and people had big expectations.
Also, flamenco is a subject that I am not very familiar with and I don't know which would be the reception of the people that appear in the film.
Anyway after a fantastic help from the Ort Cafe staff members and also Raul, Nerea and Ion we set up the venue and everything was ready.
People started to come... lots of familiar faces, faces that I didn't know... the place was full.
A very nervous and emotional speech to start and then the film, I sat down in the floor and saw how the people were having the reactions that I wanted when I wanted and a fantastic ovation at the end...
I was spechless and very emotional, I couldn't even talk after the screening. Lots of positive critics, also bad criticts (which I love) and a fantastic ending with Antonio, Tenley and Javi who performed fantastically!!
Thank all of you!! it's been a great experience and after one year of work it's an amazing reward!
See you at the next screening!