domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

Daddy´s day

Hi all!!

One of the differences between Spain and the UK is that today is Father´s day... and not San Jose´s day as in Spain.
In mother´s day happens the same, I don´t really know why there are different days to celebrate the same day, but it´s ok. It happens the same with the Bank Holidays (puentes y festivos), there are less than in Spain... 3 per year plus Christmas and Boxing day...

Well this is some information from Birmingham in a cold morning and very very jelous of Spaniards suffering very hight temperatures... I really need them!!

This video is a Father´s day tribute! enjoy it!

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Good weather & Mr shankly

I wish this video was mine but it´s not... I missed that moment.

This is what happens when the weather is good in Birmingham... We haven´t got many days of sun during the year, but every time he rises the city changes... The depresion goes, everyone has an smile and even the Cops sing in the streets.  I wish this could happen every day, but, on other side, as I was saying yesterday to a friend, if this would happen every day, the magic and the special would be gone...

Yesterday was a great day... I was asked by Ilias, the drummer of Mr Shankly to try to record the band during their performance at the Vale Festival in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

The weather was amazing and the fest was very well organized, full of different kind of bands and with loads of smailing people. I heard a couple of bands that really atracted me, but the best performance that I saw was the Mr Shankly one, no doubt.

After their last concert a month ago I was a little distrusting, but I really listened a great set of songs, a very good coordination, amazing voices, never out of tone, an incredible saxo player and a very nice group of lads, who treated me like one of them during the whole evening.

No dobuts, the best concert that I have ever seen from MR Shankly... Well done Peter, Benji, Ilias, Rich and Timmo.

I have pieces recorded but the sound is horrible... I wouldn´t do any favour to the band if I publish it... if someone hasn´t hear about them and wants to do it, this is their website

After that, they took me and some other friends in the new van (by the way, Rich, this is an big big big van), we went to Wagon & Horses in Digbeth where they were performing again... That was a good concert too, but diferent, more intimate, softer... I wasn´t shooting in this one, I just was enjoying it and  I saw a very professional band enjoying a concert, where everyone knew what he had to do in the exact moment. Very good again.

I had few beers on me so I had to head off at a sensible time because the day was very long and productive... During the morning I was visiting the Ladywood Community Association and they are amazing, they have a TV channel, ruled by kids and teenagers, allotments, meetings, parties... looks like I have started to live in a very enjoyable area...

Today is sunday and the sun rises again... lets see what happens!